Wednesday, September 30, 2015

4's: An Apple a Day

We had a lot of fun celebrating Johnny Appleseed's birthday in the 4's classrooms.  We started the classes by creating some of our own AB patterns with some Unifix cubes, coloring the pattern on paper and checking our work.  With the apples we brought in, we created an apple graph.

The morning class had a special guest read several stories about apples to us.  Our favorite book was "Secrets of the Apple Tree".  Our leader would shine the light on each page to find the hidden surprises waiting for us to discover them!
All the talk about apples and we were definitely ready for snack time where we had all kinds of apple snacks -apple slices, apple straws, apple jacks, apple sauce, apple juice and an apple shape cut out of watermelon.  What a fun and creative snack!
Celebrating a birthday wouldn't be complete without some games.  The apple toss game tested our throwing skills and was a fun way to identify numbers.
Lots of laughter filled the classroom as we bobbed for apples and found out how hard it was to hold onto it!

Johnny Appleseed, we are told, wore a pot upon his head.  In his honor, we made our own pots and decorated the band with AB patterns.  Everyone thought it was fun to wear a pot on their head!

And the apple activities continue this week!

3's: It's Fun to Play the Obstacle Course Way!

The morning 3's had a great time working on some gross motor skills with an outdoor obstacle course.  They enjoyed crawling through the tunnel,
and lots of hoop activities like walking through hoops on the ground,
or in the air,
and finishing up with throwing a ball through a hoop.
The afternoon 3's were not so fortunate weather-wise but they did manage to get in some time practicing how to walk in line for our first field trip that is coming up soon.
And they didn't mind working on their dribbling skills in the classroom.
Sometimes a Plan B works just as well as a Plan A!

2's: Picnic Fun!

To say we've had a lot of rainy weather lately would be an understatement.  That didn't stop our 2's from having picnic celebrations last week!  One of our classes was even able to picnic outside.

The other classes brought some picnic fun inside with a little water exploration at our indoor fishing hole ...

sorting picnic utensils by color ...
easel painting with some fall colors ...
and a story about those uninvited picnic guests - ants!
We are looking forward to the day when we can all picnic outside but from the weather forecast, I'm not sure when that will be!  What's your favorite picnic activity?

Friday, September 18, 2015

2's - The Fine Motor Skills Activities

The 2's do a lot of activities that allow them to work on their fine motor skills.

Pushing Pom-Poms through the holes of a basket.

Putting stickers on a tree.

Cutting and tearing paper.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

2's - The Beginning of the Year

The 2's have been busy getting acquainted with each other and their teachers. Below are some pictures of how well they are adjusting.

Mrs. Theresa leading circle time and the children sitting quietly and listening.

Some children playing a color sorting game with Ms. Maggie.

3's - The Creation Story, The 3rd Day

The 3's have studied the Creation story. In the pictures below you can see some children planting seeds to take home and watch grow after they had their lesson on Day 3 of Creation; where God made the trees and plants.

3's - The Cars and Blocks

A group of 3's showed their creativity and imagination with a box of cars and a shelf of blocks. This group of boys worked hard together making ramps, towers, and roads. There was some trial and error involved in the building of this little town.

Working hard, having fun, and learning lots!

Thank You! - The Mum Fundraiser

A big huge THANK YOU for a very successful fall Mum Fundraiser. The goal was to sell 850 mums and well over 1,000 mums were sold!

A group from East Duplin High School came to help unload mums from the truck. Thank you EDHS!

A yard full of mums. Thank you again for a successful fundraiser!

4's - The Fruit of the Spirit, The Pineapple and Kindness

This year the 4's will be learning about The Fruit of the Spirit. Each Fruit of the Spirit lesson has an actual fruit that goes with it.

The first Fruit of the Spirit lesson was on kindness and the fruit that went along with the lesson was pineapple. The children had fun tasting both fresh and canned pineapple while learning about kindness.

4's - The Letter "Y" and The Taste Test

The 4's had fun combining a lesson on the letter "Y" and learning about taste buds! They had a taste test where they tasted something sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. They had to tell if they thought each thing was "Y"ummy or "Y"ucky.

In the pictures below the children saw a chocolate sample and thought it would be their favorite. It was actually very dark and bitter chocolate.
And here are some of the faces after the sample of something sour.

4's - The Electricity Ball

The morning 4's class had someone bring in an electricity ball for show and tell. The children had fun exploring and learning more about electricity.

They got into small groups and took turns forming a circle around the ball. They moved their fingers around and watched the line of electricity move. The lights were turned off so they could see the light from the electricity ball better and the children's favorite observation was that the more fingers that were on the ball the brighter it got.