Wednesday, November 18, 2015

3's: Learning Through God's Word

The Battle of Jericho:  God gave Joshua very specific directions concerning Jericho.  Obedience was important.  Hard work was ahead as we built the wall of Jericho, marched around it, blew our trumpets ...

 ... and got to yell IN the classroom, making the walls tumble down!

Daniel and the Lion's Den:  The lions in the den were very hungry!

Daniel remained obedient to God and was thrown into the den of hungry lions.

God sent an angel to protect Daniel and to close the mouths of the lions.

Learning together is a fun way to grow in God's Word!

2's: Gross Motor Skill workout

Our large motor skills get a good workout as well in the 2's room.  We get a good workout on the playground but here are just a few of the activities we do in the classroom.

Stepping up and down,

throwing bean bags and


tossing balloons in the air just to name a few.

You never know what we will work on next!

4's: Popping Popcorn

Popcorn is a favorite snack and we decided to pop it a little differently than usual.  Since we were expanding our knowledge of our 5 senses, we decided to use this to pop the corn.  We could see it, hear it and smell it so much better!

It was fun to watch it pop into the air!

We danced and laughed as we watched and listened to the pop corn pop.  Even though we were outside, we could still smell it and it made us hungry for some popcorn!

After we cleaned up we went inside and popped some popcorn the "new fashioned way" ... in the microwave!  Then we could touch and taste the corn, actually - we devoured it!  What a fun way to explore our 5 senses!

2's: Small muscles activities

Lots of daily activities, like getting dressed and eating, require control of the small muscles in the hands.  Children can do more and more things for themselves when they strengthen their fine motor skills.  The activities vary but the 2's have lots of opportunity to practice these skills each class day.

Gluing ...

Painting ...

Stringing cheerios

As you can see, we take our work very seriously!  It's fun to strengthen those muscles!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

4's: Pumpkin Carving

Cold, slimy, wet, yucky, stringy, gooey, nasty and gross are the words we used to describe the inside of a pumpkin.  It was a challenge for some to put their hands inside the pumpkin but we all had fun!  Before we cut open the pumpkin, we identified these parts: stem, skin, leaves, seeds and pulp.  We named the outside parts and then cut it open and named the inside parts as we cleaned it out. 

The finished products. 

3's: Fun and Games

The parents got involved in the games and activities during the Halloween party!  The morning class enjoyed a game of pumpkin toss.

And the afternoon class had fun with candy corn races!

What's your favorite game?

Sunday, November 8, 2015

2's, 3's, 4's Trick or Treat!

Dressing up was just a part of the fun at our Halloween parties.


