Monday, May 15, 2017

A Year in Review: Monday 2's

There were no postings to this blog this year so we want to take this opportunity to give you a few glimpses of our "Year in Review".

                                                                      First day fun!
Our first day was spent getting pictures of everyone.  Some were all smiles!
Play dough is always a good option to break the ice!

Once the comfort level was raised a bit, there were lots of giggles and lots of fun rolling like crayons on our rainbow mat.

Puzzle time!

Halloween Party fun!

 She was pretty serious about this.

Oh you know, just another normal day of painting feet

and jumping over rectangles!

The cutest little elves came to visit at Christmas!

Fine motor skills are especially fun when you get to eat the product!

Festival Performance in April

 and finishing in May - my how they've grown!

Have a great summer!😎

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