Decorating for the Holidays: This activity of gluing Christmas colored circles on red poster board was a huge hit. It was such a fun relaxing time with exclamations of "I love this!" and "Can we do this again?" Both groups enjoyed it so much I think we might just have to!
This class made gingerbread men also, but these were handmade and decorated ornaments to hang on their Christmas tree!
Gingerbread play dough mats!
Gingerbread Lotto
Our own version of Jingle Bells ...
Finding the bells,
Adding the correct number of bells to each numbered paper,
Checking our work,
Creating patterns - big/little,
Christmas Party!
Wrapping presents for family.
One class wore pjs and these three had a definite theme going on with theirs!
Reindeer pancakes
A Christmas play for friends and families
Handing out those presents!
Some Christmas Cheer!
I love how much they love the reading center!