Saturday, November 24, 2018

Glimpses of October, Part 3 - (2's)

Lots of fine and gross motor work happened in the 2's classroom during October.  Here's a glimpse!

This activity with baskets and pom poms is a favorite.

One marshmallow for the craft and one to eat!

 Mummy fun.

Painting and gluing.

Color sort.

One of our favorite days was eating snack with some very special friends.

These blocks are taking great shape!

Monster Mash at the Halloween party.

What is your favorite game?

Glimpses of October, Part 2 - (3's)

From finger painting leaves, construction paper pumpkins, seed sorting and taste testing, here are some October glimpses of our 3's.

Mixing red and yellow to make orange!

Sorting seeds!

Taste testing fruits that grow on trees such as oranges and apples.

Using fine motor skills to make a construction paper pumpkin.

Enjoying time to play together.

Halloween parties

and party games!!

Looking forward to November!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Glimpses of October - Part 1 (4's)

What a whirlwind October was!  Here are just a few glimpses of some of our 4's activities for the month.

This sensory bin consisted of items from nature such as leaves, twigs, acorns, pine needles, rocks and such.  We also laid out magnifying glasses and mallets for the children to use.  They used the mallets on everything in the bin but their favorite items to "smash" were the acorns!


This guy was so excited
to discover what was
inside an acorn and to
show everyone.  Can't
you just hear him saying,
"Oh wow, look!"

And someone else thought the inside of an acorn was pretty interesting too!

While some were exploring the inside of an acorn, others were loading up their vehicles and transporting them.  This child wanted to count how many acorns he could fit in the back of his truck.

While some smashed and counted acorns, others played with play dough.  Some used stampers to stamp out some of our sight words,

and others decorated mini pumpkins or gourds.

Motor skills at work!

Others chose to explore leaves on the light table.  What a fun way to explore a leaf!

Little artists at work painting a tree trunk.

Fire trucks and beads - a fun way to do math.

Everybody has their own way to string beads.

There are so many things to do with a pumpkin.  Painting pumpkins was a favorite.

Pirate Day!   We enjoyed the story "The Pirates Next Door" by Johnny Duddle.  We'd be neighbors with any of these pirates.

Our pirates were very good at finding treasure!

We love games.  This game was a favorite.  A friend in the group held a squeaky toy behind their back and made it squeak.  The "owl", pictured in front, then turned around and tried to identify who made the noise.  We still get requests for this game!

We finished out our month with an obstacle course and a Halloween party.  First up, the balance beam,

then crawling through the tunnel,

and finishing with a run around the track and a dash to the finish.

Halloween party!

This.  This is one of my favorite pictures from October, friends reading with friends.

I hope your October was as exciting as ours.